Project Expectations
Every month students (who have ELA with me) will have a book report to complete at home.
Unless specified otherwise, the projects are expected to be completed at home.
If your child needs any items to complete the project, please have them notify me so I can make sure they have all the necessary materials.
Students who turn in a book report late, will have 10 points taken off the top for each day it is late. This is to help them learn responsibility. It is THEIR project NOT the PARENT's project.
Unit Exam Expectations
Students will have a week's notice of an upcoming test.
Test dates will be posted on Remind and our class website.
Students will also be required to write all test dates down in their weekly agendas.
If a student is absent, they will be given the test the same day they return to school.
Unit Assignment Expectations
Students will write down their assignments in their agenda.
All incomplete work is homework and is expected to be turned in the next school day.
If schoolwork is not completed and turned in the next day, the student will lose a recess to stay in and complete their missing assignment.
If a student is absent, students will have one week from the day they were absent to complete all work. After a week, it is a zero.
Homework Expectations
I do give homework. I believe students in 5th grade need to learn how to complete homework and manage their time so that when they transition to middle school they are able to do it with ease.
If homework is not turned in the student will lose one of their two recesses.